
  • Goran Perić Business School of Applied Studies in Blace, Serbia
  • Mira Avramović Higher Business School of Professional Studies in Leskovac
  • Marija Stojiljković Business School of Applied Studies in Blace, Serbia



tourism, Republic of Serbia, tourism traffic


It is known that the long-standing political and economic environment in our country has stopped the development of tourism and that the quality and diverse resource base of the Republic of Serbia is not sufficiently utilized. The offer of Serbian tourism products, spontaneously developed for the needs of domestic tourism, is not able to respond to the contemporary trends of the international tourist market, because there have been major changes in the market according to which the Republic of Serbia has not adapted its tourist offer. This has directed the subject of research in this paper to determine the achieved level of tourism development in the Republic of Serbia. Based on the new demands of modern tourists and global trends in tourism, the Republic of Serbia has the opportunity to capitalize its current position, to form a tourist offer and to achieve significant growth in the tourism sector and thereby provide a place on the world tourist map.


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How to Cite

Perić, G., Avramović, M., & Stojiljković, M. (2018). ACHIEVED LEVEL OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. BizInfo (Blace) Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics, 9(2), 39–52.

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