The role and importance of marketing managers in the company’s business: the case of JS Planinka from Kuršumlija
marketing concept, marketing managers, changes, tourism, internal i external clientsAbstract
Marketing management has undergone numerous changes in its development. The changing environment and internal conflicts have led to an increase in the importance of marketing and the complication of the roles of marketing managers. The original view of marketing as a function that deals with product promotion has grown into a business philosophy that permeates all departments and deals with building long-term relationships with customers. The aim of this paper is to consider the role and importance of marketing managers in companies with reference to AD Planinka from Kuršumlija. The paper will present the evolution of marketing from the founding of the company to the present day with an emphasis on the activities of marketing managers and their connection with internal and external clients. The change in the way of a company's management thinking has resulted in the positioning of marketing as an umbrella function that unites all others and determines the future direction of the company.
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