Selection of C-filter parameters in nonlinear load distribution networks


  • Slobodan Bjelić Univerzitet u Prištini, Fakultet tehničkih nauka Kosovska Mitrovica, Srbija
  • Filip Marković Univerzitet u Prištini, Fakultet tehničkih nauka Kosovska Mitrovica, Srbija
  • Nenad Marković Akademija strukovnih studija kosovsko metohijska, Odsek Uroševac, Srbija
  • Violeta Milićević Akademija strukovnih studija Južna Srbija, Odsek Visoka poslovna škola Blace, Srbija



C-filter, nonlinear load, distribution network, harmonics


The paper describes the procedure for determining a C-filter for improving the voltage shape in distribution networks containing nonlinear loads. The possibility was also analyzed that the classical methods of analysis using the Fourier order and the adopted scheme containing the parameters of the network can calculate the influence of the fundamental harmonic on the regime characteristics. Based on the results obtained on the network parameters before and after the placement of the C-filter of the selected capacities, we can conclude that when selecting the C-filter in the distribution networks, the harmonic current must be first definedi.


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How to Cite

Bjelić, S. ., Marković , F. ., Marković, N., & Milićević, V. . (2021). Selection of C-filter parameters in nonlinear load distribution networks. BizInfo (Blace) Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics, 12(2), 39–47.

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