The importance of financial incentives for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Gordana Gavrić Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Tamara Vesić Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Nataša Novaković Božić Toplica Academy of Applied Studies, Department of Business School Blace, Serbia



work motivation, financial compensation, pandemic, COVID-19


One of the basic tasks of HR managers is to provide the organization with people who can do the job efficiently and effectively. Since during the COVID-19pandemic, the most important thing was to preserve the health of the population, the key role in bringing the pandemic under control was played by healthcare workers, which is why it was very important to find techniques to motivate them. This paper aims to assess the degree of satisfaction of healthcare workers with financial compensation during the COVID-19 pandemic, compared to compensation under normal working conditions. The results indicate that financial compensation is the dominant factor in motivating work during the pandemic, that they believe that they are not paid enough for their work, and that the minimum wage increase they deserve should be in the amount of the COVID supplement payment. As even more than half of the respondents would not accept working in a COVID hospital without financial incentive, this paper gains special importance as a warning for all decision makers.


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How to Cite

Gavrić, G., Vesić, T., & Novaković Božić, N. (2023). The importance of financial incentives for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. BizInfo (Blace) Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics, 14(1), 77–82.