Women entrepreneurs in tourism of the Republic of Croatia: challenges and opportunities


  • Romina Alkier University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija, Croatia




entrepreneurial ideas in tourism, gender (im) balance, women's entrepreneurship


The paper analyzes the position of women entrepreneurs in tourism, identifies the motives for women's entry into entrepreneurship, as well as the challenges and limitations they face when starting a business and during business. Croatia has a long tradition of tourism, and it is through the tourism sector that women are offered great opportunities to create and implement entrepreneurial ideas. By combining knowledge and skills in tourism with the ability to realize business ideas and creative thinking through entrepreneurial activities, women's entrepreneurship enables women to create jobs and achieve financial independence. Tourism has an incalculable ability to act towards the establishment of a society of equal opportunities. The analysis is based on previous research and business indicators of companies owned by women in the tourism sector in the Republic of Croatia. The results of the research indicate a disproportion of the share of women in entrepreneurship in tourism in relation to the total number of employed women in Croatian tourism, and a smaller gender imbalance in entrepreneurship in the tourism sector in relation to the total economy.


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How to Cite

Alkier, R. . (2021). Women entrepreneurs in tourism of the Republic of Croatia: challenges and opportunities. BizInfo (Blace) Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics, 12(2), 197–213. https://doi.org/10.5937/bizinfo2102197A