Analysing the satisfaction of halal restaurant guests through online ratings on TripAdvisor
guest satisfaction, halal, tourism, hospitality, ratings, TripAdvisorAbstract
Providing halal products is one of the key factors in the lives of members of the Islamic faith. The physical and economic availability of halal food has an important place in the decision-making process about the movements of Muslim tourists. Currently, the Halal market is rapidly expanding, contributing to an increase in the number of the Muslim population and their travels. The main goal is to analyse the satisfaction of halal restaurant guests expressed through online numerical ratings. Authors used automated techniques for collecting guests’ ratings. Restaurants that were analysed were chosen by selecting the criteria “halal” on TripAdvisor. Information about the origin of reviewers and gender are also collected. The paper also tries to answer the question whether the origin of guests and type of halal restaurants have an influence on their satisfaction with services in selected facilities. The results indicated the presence of significant differences in guest’s satisfaction among different types of restaurants. One of the possible limitations of this research is an insufficient number of evaluating criteria for expressing a satisfaction which are available on TripAdvisor for analysis that is more precise.
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