
  • Marija Stojiljković Belgrade Business Academy of Applied Studies, Department Blace, Serbia
  • Aleksandra Jevtović Belgrade Business Academy for Applied Studies, Blace Department, Serbia
  • Mihajlo Đurović Singidunum University, Belgrade



globalization, tourism, tourists’ preferences, tourists’ activities


Globalization can simply be described as the movement of goods, ideas, values ​​and people around the world. The globalization process has greatly affected all parts of the world economy, including tourism as an important and growing economic activity. Tourism development can be viewed in all dimensions of these processes: economic, social, cultural and even political. The great importance of tourism in the current global economy makes it a very popular research field, especially in the part of the economic dependency between tourism and globalization at the global or regional level. This paper shows how globalization influences tourists' individual decisions about 'buying' a destination. The analysis is based on an empirical study of Serbian tourists' preferences and activities. The paper points to the positive correlation of globalization and tourist preferences, to the correlation of tourist activity and socio - demographic characteristics and to what tourism trends are visible in the attitude of Serbian tourists.


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How to Cite

Stojiljković, M., Jevtović, A., & Đurović, M. (2019). THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON TOURISTS’ PREFERENCES IN SERBIA. BizInfo (Blace) Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics, 10(2), 63–77.

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