
  • Vladan Ivanović Republic of Serbia Ministry of Interior
  • Marko Gašić Business School of Applied Studies in Blace, Serbia
  • Miodrag Simijonović Republic of Serbia Ministry of Interior


The work presents the development, implementation and importance of Dealer service, which offers companies involved in the tourist računarke over the Internet network, conduct their business, sell their vouchers to other companies, distributors, travel agencies in a very fast and easy way to reduce their costs. Dealer service is presented as a solution by which the company "M" from Kuršumlije approach to е-turism, e-commerce and B2B business. B2B become something without which you will not be able to if they want to stay on top.


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How to Cite

Ivanović, V., Gašić, M., & Simijonović, M. (2013). B2B E-COMMERCE IN TOURISM. BizInfo (Blace) Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics, 4(2), 65–78. Retrieved from http://bizinfo.edu.rs/index.php/bizinfo/article/view/52