The analysis of use of information and communication technologies in higher education institutions in the function of the students’ scientific field


  • Violeta Milićević Toplica Academy of Applied Studies, Department of Business Studies Blace, Serbia
  • Zoran Milićević University of Priština, Faculty of Economics in Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia
  • Filip Marković University of Priština, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia



information and communication technologies, higher education institutions, scientific fields


Modern ICTs are increasingly used in educational institutions whose main role is to facilitate and improve the teaching process. In order for the educational system to be successful, it must follow modern trends in the application of these technologies. The degree of application of these technologies in education is influenced by numerous factors, which is why their application differs from country to country, as well as between different educational institutions within a country. For this reason, thirteen higher education institutions that carry out their educational activity in the northern part of AP Kosovo and Metohija were selected for the subject of this research. Considering that the application of these technologies is influenced by numerous factors, the aim of this paper is to analyze the attitude of students from different scientific fields according to the degree of application of ICT in their higher education institutions. The results of the research were obtained by collecting data through student surveys, as well as their statistical processing using the appropriate statistical program.


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How to Cite

Milićević, V., Milićević, Z., & Marković, F. (2023). The analysis of use of information and communication technologies in higher education institutions in the function of the students’ scientific field . BizInfo (Blace) Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics, 14(2), 21–28.