The importance of training for the development and strengthening of a company’s competitive position
training, motivation, development management, developmentAbstract
The development and achievement of a 21st century company’s desired market positioning is primarily based on innovation, creativity, education, and the functional knowledge of employees. The goal of this paper is to emphasize the relevance of training for the development and strengthening of a company’s competitive position, and therefore a primary survey was created in order to look at the attitudes and opinions of employees regarding employee training for different positions in companies working in the Republic of Serbia. The data was collected via the direct survey method while participation in the survey was voluntary. The research sample was a purposive sample of employees from small and medium-sized enterprises holding managerial and non-managerial positions. One hundred and twenty-three respondents (n=123) participated in the research. The data was collected from May 2022 until November 2022. Despite the fact that a statistically significant difference was not detected during the assessment of satisfaction with training programs in a company, the impact of training on the motivation of non-managerial staff, in relation to employees in managerial positions, was significantly expressed.
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