
  • Ana Bašić Singidunum University, Belgrade
  • Dejan Viduka Singidunum University, Belgrade




Mobile phones, risk, children, electromagnetic radiation, electronic violence


Regarding the health, ethical and social aspects mobile phones pose risk for preschool and school-age children. It is necessary to point out the risks in the use of mobile phones by children under the age of 10 years. For this reason, it is necessary to consider some important aspects of mobile phone use by children, such as age and number of children who use mobile phones, access the Internet through mobile phones, knowledge of information security when using mobile phones, and so on. This paper presents the results of research conducted on a sample of 50 parents of preschool and school-age children related to previously stated aspects. An electronic questionnaire was used as an instrument for the collection of appropriate data needed for the study. At the end of the paper there are proposals for reduction of existing risks in order to protect the health and safety of children.


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How to Cite

Bašić, A., & Viduka, D. (2014). HARMFUL EFFECTS OF MOBILE PHONE USE AMONGST CHILDREN. BizInfo (Blace) Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics, 5(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.5937/Bizinfo1402001B